The very concept God enthralls me!!! I am not an atheist….I believe in God…but I am not into the process of praying, going to temples…I don’t think that it is a necessary criteria to be fulfilled to prove that you believe in God. I believe in God as in me… ‘My conscience’…that is my god. It keeps a constant watch over me... it is my conscience that makes me feel happy, guilty, sad… it shows me what is right, what is wrong, what is good, and what is bad…. Isn’t that what God should do… it even guides me in my life, my problems and my activities. So I take it that God is within me…. It’s my conscience…
Well I am not against people who are very God fearing, go to temples, churches and mosques… and who blindly follow God… let them follow their faith while I follow mine… but I always wonder how this concept ‘God’ or the word ‘God’ evolved… how did people start believing in God. From the evolution of homosapiens… from Apes to Nomads and Caveman to Civilized people now. Where did God come into existence.....? As a remember history ….. I think nature was worshipped as God first… and there comes the existence of God….Fire god, Water god, Mother Earth was also God…. But wait, my friend over here says God created nature… yes… I think people do believe God created Earth and nature… so … what period should I say as god evolved?? … Well all is well and ends well… God evolved someday… and he/she has evolved… so let’s get deeper into the topic of God… But… one more point. God was recognized only when proper humans evolved… it is only the humans who found the concept of God… it is us who says God evolved first… but it is discovered only in our period… so as of now I say…God came into existence as humans came into existence.
God evolved. Period. Then what happens… people give forms to the God for a more accurate picture. Except the Islam community and some parts of the Hindu and Christian community which do not perform idol worship… so thus a series of Gods came into existence… let me list the no. of Gods I know (God or Goddess all the same). Well I start with my Hindu religion… lord Shiva (the destroyer), Lord Brahma (the creator), Saraswathi, Lakshmi, Mahalakshmi, Venkatachalapathi or Balaji, Ganesha, Muruga, Parvati, all kinds of Amman’s, Hanuman, Krishna (my personal favorite), The Navagrahas, Kali, Rama… the list is endless. Then there is Jesus and Allah… sees how simple it is to list the names of God’s of other religions… as the Hindu mythology… I think every day a God evolves!!!.... well there is one advantage… you wont feel bored going to the temples… as there is a great many temples for the great many Gods… you know you get variety to chose from!!! And each and every God has a fascinating story behind them… I tell you Mythology is a very fascinating subject… you just wonder, wonder and wonder more if you go deeper into the subject of Mythology.
So where are we in my article…? God evolved, he/she was given forms. Now what does that aspect of god do in your life? Why do we need a God? Why do we believe in a supreme power or force above us? I guess it is to keep us inclined to our respective paths in our life…to be stable… not to lose our focus of minds… to achieve our goals… Basically the illusion of God is created… so that people will fear doing the wrong thing. The essence of God watching over you will prevent people from doing bad…. The fear that God will punish them for their wrong doings in the future…. but you know what that God is… it has no form… it is within us, as I said our conscience…. It punishes you by making you feel guilty, bad… so people everywhere to escape this laud the good.
Well, well… while talking about good… we should definitely talk about bad (shouldn’t we?) Good and bad both are juxtaposed to each other… only when there is good we know there is bad, only when there is bad there is good… God symbolizes good, while Satan symbolizes bad… we can say that without God there is no Satan and vice versa...
SATAN …… the very sound of it brings a bad, dark, mysterious feeling to us… Satan symbolizing bad is actually a good thing… because for every positive aspect in life there must be an adjacent negative aspect. It is this negative aspect that makes the positive aspect much stronger.
Now, as I think….as my thoughts flow…. God primarily came into existence due to the bad or negative aspect of life… think about it yourself… if everything in your life is well and good why will you pray or believe in god? It is when things aren’t proper and life is not going the way you wish it to go, that you look up to God… after some time when things start taking shape and everything goes fine you thank God… for rectifying your life… thus you pray, thank, pray, thank….that’s how life goes on with its ups and downs. It is only and only when things in life aren’t proper and bad karma prevails in your life and bad things happen in the world that you look up and wonder ‘is there a God?’ Well the very question has the answer… if there isn’t a God… why are you wondering about him in the first place!!!
Now I think Satan is God (and I know you people out there are fretting when I am gonna end this article. but this one really set me thinking!!! About me and what I am doing in the world!!!) well now I say Satan is God because….he/she is God of bad…but as God is usually associated with good they gave him/her the dark name of SATAN (hey..But in Hindu mythology…Satan is also God. We have Yama dharma...Remeber!!!)
What ever name you give…God/Satan, the almighty, the supreme power… it is all a total illusion….if this illusion wasn’t there… the world would have been destroyed… people’s life would have been haywire… the words ‘guilty’, ‘feeling bad’, ‘conscience’ wouldn’t come into existence. The force of love would have become weak… people would be crazy, cold hearted, have a heart of stone… the world would be a living hell. There will be no balance in Earth… the balance of right to wrong, good to bad, God to Satan, heaven to hell is very much required for our lives to run smoothly…
But the whole point of my article is to find out who is God??? it is us…each one of us is God…we choose either to be God or Satan…It is within us… our inner feeling…our inner feeling exists because of us…so we are God…or Satan…we say God rules the world…in a practical point of view. Who rules? We right….so we are God….you may ask if we created nature…I suggest you to go and read the archeological and scientific research on how Earth was formed. Heard of big bang theory and all that stuff….so no supernatural force created Earth…it was all a natural evolution…so I stand to my point that we, each one of us is God/Satan…you might criticize my point of view…I say it is all in your mind….it is a funny thing….your mind I mean…you tend to believe what is not existing….but you don’t believe things that are right before your naked eyes…. Funny people we are…
Note:- I am not against anyone. This is purely my point of view and I believe each one of us is God…
That that man..that that pheeling
1 week ago