Thursday, March 26, 2020

Dream Catcher

Finally, it needs a quarantine time to get back to what I always wanted to do.

With no school, no schedule, no deadlines, no guests, no outings, no temples, no malls but just you and your family with loads of time - Doesn't it look like a dream come true for many?  But yes when this came true we all are praying when it will end. We can't wait to get back to our routines. Thats life. Life is always better the other side! :p

Hoping everything falls back to normal and our lives will resume track. But at the moment, lets make the most of the time doing things we always want to do. Because at least we are blessed to have our loved one near by with a stock of essentials than those who are away from family struck in different places and those people who are working on the forefront to get things back to normal. So Be Grateful and Stay Home!

I started doodling again and would love to keep them safe and what more than my blog to keep them safe. (I still ROFL reading my blog entries when I started this blogging journey 15 years back!!)

"Dreams are not just dreams.
Its a product of Hope and Emotions.
I am a Dreamer...
Yesterday, A Cuckoo Land Dreamer...
Today a Realistic Dreamer!
But, I never stopped Dreaming.
May everyone's Dreams be caught and turned to Reality! :)"
- ZanyChild 

Dreams are good. Dreams are nice. We all love to dream. When I doodled this dream catcher, it immediately filled me up with such positive energy and hope along with an instant smile!

Did you know that Dream Catchers date many years back and was actually a sort of spider web? It was adopted by Native Americans from the Ojibwa Chippewa Tribe.

The Tribe people had a mysterious 'Spider Woman' known as Asibikaashi in their language, who would look after children and sleeping people and ward off their nightmares. When the tribe flourished and moved places, it was difficult for the Spider Woman to protect her tribe and made these spider web dream catchers. They were often hung on cradles of infants to protect them from nightmares.

The original design had eight points indicating the eight legs of the spiders and had a hole in the centre which was later made as beads to represent the spider. The beads or hole became the sacred charm to catch good dreams and pass it through the dream catcher to the person sleeping underneath and the bad dreams were entangled in the web from moving down further.

Even if the myth is not true, we all get this overwhelming tenderness when we hear about these stories that our loved ones will be protected and believe it by instinct. It is always the thought, belief and hope that counts than the truth of the actual myth. If you believe it spreads positivism all around you in an auto mode :)

Happy Doodling Everyone!! And Lets keep spreading Positivism more so at this Time!!

Driving people insane as always!

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