Ok…people…now please for heavens sake do not jump into conclusions!!....I mean those conclusions that would normally rise under the given circumstances, after my last blog!!...my goodness…..so wat is this ‘his rotis and my subji’……well this is one funny conversation….i hope it takes you on a ride!!..and I warn you the below blog is true..with some additions here and there by me!!
I am currently in my semester holidays….you might have guessed it by the number of posts I am posting these days….my first day of holiday dawned……after the usual chores, at around midday I sat before the computer….nothing unusual…..the same me…jobless as always….will do blogging or orkutting…..much of the second I guess!!......so I logged into orkut to check my scraps….there were quite a lot….after replying to them…I saw ‘spammer’ online…..
Again people please do not jump into conclusions…this is a fellow orkutter in my list….my friends friend…who became my friend through orkut…….he is named ‘weirbrew spammer’….in short spammer or spammi…..he dropped a ‘hi zany’ scrap….I replied….he asked where my friends was…..and the usual conversation I was having with him…..he then scrapped
Spammi: ‘my folks aren’t home…so I gotta wash the dishes, and prepare my dinner’…..
Zany: ‘oh gud work’…
Spammi: ‘is it a gud work….I have got to make the dough in the evening and make rotis’….
Zany: ‘yeah that’s what….isnt that cool…..thank god only you are going to eat those rotis!!’….
Spammi: ’yeah zany, I make better rotis!!’….
Zany: ’yeah, you are the judge, so you will say it is good!!’….
Spammi: ‘nope my cousin tried those rotis , she said it was nice!!’
Zany: ‘yeah. You might have influenced her!!’
Spammi: ‘actually she herself is not a better cook..she was supposed to cook for me..as she had some work, I made the rotis!!’
Zany: ‘didn’t I tell you?’
Spammi: ‘as if you are helping your mom in the kitchen!!’
Zany: ‘who said I don’t….I make awesome subjis at times…it comes out amazingly well’
Spammi: ‘all the left overs will go into your subji’
Zany: ‘….I will not tell you my secret ingredient!!’
Spammi: ‘I know your secret ingredient’
Zany: ‘No, the left overs do not go into the subji! 1…and what is my secret ingredient?’
Spammi: ‘I mentioned it…leftovers!!’
Zany: ‘noo’
Spammi: ‘zany, you always deny facts, what kind of a CHARACTER you are?’
Zany: ‘I know I am one character in this world…and hey thanks I got the spelling of character right!!’
Spammi: ‘what do you always get the spelling wrong?? I will accept that you help in the kitchen, only when your mom agrees to it and gives her consent to it!!’
Zany: ‘LOL….now what proof do I have about how good were your rotis?’
Spammi: ‘what do you want them to send it through mail??’
Zany: ‘I can send the mail from my mom..you can send the rotis through snail mail!!’
Spami: ‘maybe I can scan the rotis…but you subji!!…your scanner will become oily!!’
Zany: ‘scanning subji..never!1..lolz…ok..weirdo time for me to go….I betta go…and may you have a great dinner with YOUR ROTIS’
Spammi: ‘yeah…bye zany..i will have a great dinner with my ROTIS’!!
Zany: ‘and do mail me abt the dinner!!’
Next day
I go online….spammi is online….
Zany: ‘hey’
Spammi: ‘hey’
Zany: ‘how was your dinner?’
Spammi: ‘well my aunt asked me to come over to her place!!.....so I did not make the rotis!!
Zany: ‘whew..what a nice aunt..see, she took pity on your cooking’
Spammi: ‘but this morning I made parathas..they came wonderfully well!!’
Zany: *speechless* ‘still..it is you who is judging your own cooking skills……’
And the argument starts over….and previous day history repeats again!!
Men never give up do they..well so do women!!
People…all I am trying to say is..i am one weirdo…so is this guy….and well…..maybe his rotis and my subji would make an awesome combination….or they might become a total flop..who knows….I just pity those pour souls who are going to eat spammi’s rotis…I know he is also pitying right now, as to the people who are going to eat my subji!!
Driving people insane as always
That that man..that that pheeling
1 week ago