Individuals in this world are talented in one way or the other. It is up to the parents to find the talents of their child….my mom did the same thing, she tried pretty hard to find my talents, and let’s take a ride down my memory lane to find how much she had succeeded.
In my kinder garden classes we used to have ‘CUB’ classes for creative work, me and my cousin were in the same we used to smear paint on each other…this gave the wrong idea to my mom that I love to paint apparently. So there started my drawing and painting classes, and well I have done fairly well in it, that I do oils….but you know I dont really have a passion for it….but I just do it.
Then in one of our annual days my teacher made me appear as a swimming champ, this gave the next idea to my mom…so here I go to a row of swimming classes….but swimming never comes easily to me…..I ended up only to the extent of walking in water!!....maybe I will swim one day when I am strangled in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, it will come just like that to me..
Then was my brush with music. My mom wanted me to be a carnatic singer (thank god I did not become one!!) but I said ‘’….I cant do all that ‘aa….aa…aaah..’, so she enrolled me in keyboard classes. First was with western music…but that wasn’t my cup of tea…I learnt it from two teachers..the first one couldn’t bear with me and taught me only nursery rhymes….the second teacher lost hope in me that I could never get the ‘c’s and g’s right!! then I went into classical music in keyboard…
This was even funny than western music…..because I learnt this classical music from 4 teachers…people I tell you teachers, and at all 4 places…I started right from the scratch…that is the basics and did till the lesson that I left with my first classical teacher…that is I never proceed beyond 2 stages of the classical music in all 4 places…..when I go to the next teacher, they ask me to play what I mind goes blank, and they tell me that we will start from the first!!...whew….so that is how my keyboard lessons went, which were saturated after a point.
So what can I say my talent as….I never did anything can I say I am very talented at trying my hand at everything but never fully completing it or learning it…now that is definitely a great talent people…I can call myself….an amateur jack or should I say Jill in all trades!!.....
Driving people insane as always
That that man..that that pheeling
1 week ago