I was waiting, waiting and waiting..
throughout sweet teens..
till I passed teen.. mid twenties..
with a beautiful heart..
over filled with pure love
dreaming of walking along..
moonlit beeches.. holding your arm
dreaming of getting lost in
mist covered plains..
dreaming of sleeping every night..
wrapped in your warmth
dreaming of waking up each morning..
cherished with your love
dreaming of how hard it would be to..
spend the rest of the day
away from you and your love..
till I see you at the end of the each day
dreaming of how I would share..
everything in life with you
dreaming of how I would sit by you..
so close to your heart
discussing with you..
every detail in life..
listening to your loving, caring words..
dreaming that..
there will be somebody to rely on..
whatever comes in my way..
dreaming that I'd never be alone and helpless..
but where are you hiding..?
far or near..?
how long I'm being waiting and waiting for you.. dear..
without offering my heart and soul to anyone..
still with that pure , perfect, undying love..
when I'll meet you..?
I'm tired now.
really, really tired, dear
I dont know how long I can wait..
may be I'll die one day..
never ever seeing you.. or
your love . . .
That that man..that that pheeling
1 week ago